SLI updates?

I was wondering if anyone has done any testing recently with connected SLI quadro cards. I’m looking at buying a new machine with either a Quadro 5000 or 6000. The 5000 has 352 cores (at $1900) and the 6000 has 450 cores (at $4200). So the question is will I get better performance out of two 5000’s (708 cores that would ended up costing less) SLI connected?


TouchDesigner does not leverage SLI configurations, except for Nvidia’s new SLI Mosaic mode in Windows7. The best setup for you would depend on the specifics of that project. Having multiple cards is more flexible and gives you more options for multiple monitors/projectors, but it also increases the complexity of the system. If you have a particular project in mind, we are happy to advise on possible configurations and the pros and cons of each.