Slider with range from -1 to +1, but the digits not showing the corresponding value

slider with digits.23.toe (7.6 KB)

Hi again,
Here is an update of what I have been trying to achieve my goal to have a slider with a range from -1 to 1 and showing the corresponding value.

The easiest part was to set the range from -1 to 1. So far so good, but the digits are still not showing the value of the slider. So, when the output of the slider shows for example -0.45, the digits don’t show any value.
For me this is a problem I cannot fix and spent many hours trying to solve it. Hopefully someone can help me.

Thanks in advance.


I made my proper slider (included in my summit conference:-), I give it to you.
– You can choose the range in settings
– you can enter a value comming from outside (inside range)
– the text and the channel take the slider name
– you can read the value
Hope that helps
monSlider.tox (1.2 KB)

Hi Jacques,
Yeaah. Thanks a lot. This is what I needed.
I added a reset button and now I can go further with my project.
MarcelSlider with reset button.toe (6.6 KB)