December 31, 2020, 10:26am
I’m trying to connect Socket io to the chat example. To do this, I’ll follow Eric’s instructions in this post:
OK thanks. That’s the same implementation being used in Unreal Engine.
Turns out my server wasn’t actually seeing the ‘connection’ event after all, so I’ll have to figure out what is going wrong. If you could provide an example TOE with a properly set up SocketIO DAT (whatever you may have used for internal testing), I would appreciate it!
I can see in the console that TD is connecting, but I do not get any messages from the chat interface in TD.
The firewall is off and I’m using http.
What could it be?
Thanks in advance!
Two things: There was a bug with domain-names/ssl and also socket.io introduced a new engine v3 that is incompatible with the standart v2 running on most components. (which is totaly bonkers that pip and npm download the newest version…)
What server are you running? Check your package.json (if it is node.js) and adjust the socket.io version to somethin in version 2.x
January 2, 2021, 2:03pm
Thanks a lot, this was helpful. I downgraded to version 2.04 and now I can connect to the chat server from TD.
Hi @xbix , would love to see your TD file if you still have it!
I’m making a similar project and running into the same issues.
May 3, 2021, 5:49pm
Yep, I found it. But you have to send me a pm with your e-mail because I can’t upload rar files here.
Ok thanks! Sent you a message