SOLVED: Copy SOP python 2022.28040 windows 11

inputPointExample.toe (6.1 KB)

when using the copySOP and python
the me.inputPoint doesn’t seem to work
$PT in T script works fine.


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Many thanks!

many thanks for your help can i trouble you again
i’m trying to pull a string from a table through a copy stamp to a text sop and it seems to break it - it works fine if the table is all numbers, but the instant it tries to pull in a string it breaks

i can pull a string from it if using op(‘table’) from the text SOP
so i dont think its a problem with the text SOP

is it that the copy SOP stamp can’t deal with passing strings?

textCopyDatExample.toe (8.2 KB)

if stamp wont pass strings just use the number in stamp and fetch in the text op to get the table cell
is this what you wanted?
textCopyDatExample.3.toe (5.9 KB)

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