[SOLVED] DMX In ArtNet Help

My setup is as follows

TD detects the ArtNet signal (Pictured in the artnet2 DAT, yet my dmxin1 chop doesnt detect it (Settings shown to top right)

Am I missing something here? (.toe file can be provided if needed)

Hm, this looks all good.
What TD build are you using?
Could this be a firewall issue?
Under Protocol it says ArtNet Automatic - what are the other options?
Is there a way to replicate it - particularly what software are you using to send the data?


Software I am using is: DMX-Workshop - Artistic Licence
I am running TD099 2019.18580
I have not tried disabling firewall, but the ArtNet DAT detected an ArtNet feed

What I do to get this to work consistently is to use a usb-ethernet dongle, and manually assign it to an ip4 address in the range of artnet (2.x.x.x). Then things seem to work much more cleanly. Loopbacks theoretically should work, but I have 100% solid results whenever I isolate it.

I made a virtual NIC and managed to use that IP to try send ArtNet data. The Artnet broadcaster in DMX toolbox worked (I could view the data in the receiving end), and I can even send ArtNet between two computers when using regular 192.168.0.x IPs. I tried getting the ArtNet into TD with Firewall disabled and it still didn’t work.

I am now trying to think what else could be a variable here

EDIT: The virtual NIC was assigned to

I don’t think it should make a difference, but did you try setting the virtual NIC you installed to a 2.x.x.x IP address (like

It also may depend on software startup order, aka start TD then DMX Workshop or vice versa.

Also if you can post the file, it might help but I don’t see anything out of place in that image.

Yeah I can’t get it to work in “Automatic” mode either. If you choose Manual and set the IP to broadcast it should work. If you can’t get that to work then there might be a bigger networking problem.

Also I’m noticing my DMX Workshop looks different than yours, what version are you running?

I am running DMX Workshop V7.21 . I will try updating and see if that fixes my isuse.

ArtNet.toe (7.2 KB)

After upgrading DMX workshop, the system worked. Thanks for figuring this out @Peeet