DMX out Art-Net do not work in my setup. DMX-Workshop packet monitor show port error and get random source port number. Is it possible to set artnet source constans network port value? I can not send any signal outside to my Botex artnet node. Node works with other Lighting software. I see send paket in many artnet monitors but no signal on node. I think problem is with source port numer. Do you know this bug? May be I do something wrong. I attached screen from DMX-Workshop log with TouchDesigner send packet and Jands Vista software packet. TD do not works. Jands Vista works.
Has anybody problem with artnet? sACN works good for me.
My problem is UDP source Port. I need constant 6454 numer. I know this. I dumped Artnet packet from TouchDesigner using Free Device Monitoring Studio, changed UDP source port to 6454 and sent to my node. Packet has received. Led fixture has lit.
How can I change UDP source port to constant 6454 value in CHOP DMX Out?
I found solution. I wrote simple Artnet sender using UDP out. UDP out be able to set sender network port to 6454. My artnet node start working. SubNet = 0. Universe = 0
Attached project file. I am beginner so please comment this if you can.
Your workaround seems valid. But it so happens we have added a bunch of new features to the DMX Out CHOP in the experimental branch of TouchDesigner, which you can get here: … mental.asp
You will find a new parameter page to control network settings and set custom ports and more.
Check it out and let us know if it works in your environment without the need for your clever UDP Out workaround.