SOLVED: Geometry viewer (stuck on torus)

Hi guys!
I when I open the geo1 operator it comes standar with a torus inside. I tried deleting the torus and putting an “in” operator inside the geo to connect a sphere. But the sphere is not showing up and I don’t want to use a torus for my current project. This has only happened in the specific project that I am working on and not the others I have done. Any insight?

Nevermind, I just had to right click and chose the SOP HAHA.

Yes, when replacing the default Torus SOP with an In SOP or any other SOP or SOP network, make sure to set the

  • display flag (blue)
  • and render flag (purple)

on the SOP that you want to have displayed and/or rendered. For networks it’s useful and always recommended to add a Null Operator as the last one in a chain and set the flags on that.
