SOLVED: particulesGpu doesn't work with Nvidia 980M and windows 10

i have all my drivers updated but particules Gpu dont work.
can someone help me please

Hey @marcelo666

I don’t have a 980M around but I will have a look with someone on the team.

Meanwhile, can you confirm that you have issues when dropping a new particlesGpu COMP from the palette with its default settings? or is that just with this one?

If it is just this one, can you please share a screenshot of all non-default settings?


Hi @JetXS
1 - can you confirm that you have issues when dropping a new particlesGpu COMP from the palette with its default settings? Yes just with particulesGPU when i drop particulesGPU from Palette → Tools i dont have any render
2 - can you please share a screenshot of all non-default settings? i use just default settings and nothing happen

Thanks for your help

Hey @marcelo666

Can you drop a Monitor DAT in your network and confirm that the project is running on the 980M and not some integrated graphics?


Hi @JetXS
thanks again

Hi @JetXS
Finally i solved the problem by removing cuda drivers
thanks for your help