Tried to import a FBX model(by dragging and dropping) and apply a PBR mat but all I get is a black render. I did a search and learned you need to go inside the comp once you’ve added it to change it. But when I try again the pbr material fails to apply to the model.
I tried another method, using a OBJ file, where I create a geo comp and inside I have a File In (to import the model) and a Pbr mat node. This works fine, inside the geo comp the PBR displays fine, but as soon i come to the main network and leave the geo comp all I see is a black render. This is not happening in the tutorials i’ve been using (although they are using older versions of TD)
I am aware this problem is very similar to
but apparently this was addressed in previous updates.
I wasn’t using an environment light before but now have tried adding it to my network to see if it helps, no difference.
Is this a mistake on my end or a bug? Nvidia Flex Solver.22.toe (9.7 KB)
OS: Windows 11 Pro
For starters take all of what your doing out of the pbr cuber geo and just connect the sop to a geo. Don’t have it Inside a geo. This stops your texture from seeing the light in your project. Also delete the material node attached to the pbr it seems like its doing nothing. Move your light source so its not sitting Inside your 3d model same for the camera… I have opened your toe file and have been able to now see a 3d model with textures. You don’t actually need the environmental light but you can use it still. It wont really help you in seeing your textures. Having obr texture inside a geo doesn’t always work or at least in this case it definitely is stopping you from seeing anything. Also maybe enlarge your 3d file with a transform or increase the size of the geo to make sure the file you downloaded was not exported as small as a mouse dick. Lastly if there is any alpha channels in the textures you are using use a Attribute create sop so the model with show things right.
Again take out your 3d model from the pbr geo you setup that setup is what is causing you issues. And for the love of god add your geo to the render top along with your light and camera so you Know the network is setup right to render the model your messing with.
Lol thanks, the tutorials I’m relying on are clearly teaching me bad techniques. Took everything I was doing out of the Geo Comp, but didn’t notice any change. Until I tried the last tip about using an Attribute Create, suddenly I could see the model in full detail, I will certainly remember that in the future. Thanks again, I appreciate it.