[Solved] Project does not work when in Perform mode


I’m stuck on getting my project to work in perform mode. I have a MIDI controller which simply changes the colors of some shapes using the HSV Adjust Node and displays them on the screen. I am using the Expression to adjust the parameters based on the MIDI sliders.
I.E. below is what I am using for the hueoffset parameter.


This works perfectly when viewing the node graph, but once I go into perform mode, nothing changes. It is just locked to the last look. I’d tried outputting the MIDI In Map Chop to a Null Chop and setting that to cook Always, but it made no difference.

Any help would be appreciated.


Hey, are you able to share your .toe file so we can take a look and fix this? It seems like a bug

Dear malcolm,

As per your request, please find attached my current TOE file. I am curious as to what you may discover.

Color_Selector_2019_1_19.toe (5.75 KB)

This was definitely a dumb thing on my part. I had the “Draw Window” option off in the Perform parameters.


Thanks for you time.


Hello Marcus,
I found the problem inspecting your file. Some how the “Draw Window” toggle was turned off in your /perform Window Component, so the window will not update once opened.

Turning this toggle off fixes things, you don’t even need the Null CHOP w/Cook Always anymore.

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Hey Ben,

Thanks for looking into this. Clearly a rookie mistake, haha. I will definitely check this first next time.


Hey Marcus! Thank you for this mistake and sharing! I did the same thing and thanks to you I found the solution very quickly! Best regards!

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