I’m stuck on getting my project to work in perform mode. I have a MIDI controller which simply changes the colors of some shapes using the HSV Adjust Node and displays them on the screen. I am using the Expression to adjust the parameters based on the MIDI sliders.
I.E. below is what I am using for the hueoffset parameter.
This works perfectly when viewing the node graph, but once I go into perform mode, nothing changes. It is just locked to the last look. I’d tried outputting the MIDI In Map Chop to a Null Chop and setting that to cook Always, but it made no difference.
Hello Marcus,
I found the problem inspecting your file. Some how the “Draw Window” toggle was turned off in your /perform Window Component, so the window will not update once opened.
Turning this toggle off fixes things, you don’t even need the Null CHOP w/Cook Always anymore.