SOLVED: Touchdesigner is laging , despite indicating 60 fps

Hi a couple of days ago my TD interface starting lagging behind. At first I thought it mught be because of a heavier patch, but even if I only open uo a new project witht he default nodes it reacts delayed to my inputs. The frame rate even stays at a solid 60fps or drops slightly to 50ish, but that hasnt been a problem in the past.

I dont know if something got updated or what happeneed, but it seemed to start quite out of nowhere.

I’m running TD 2022.25370 on Windows 11.

Any help is very welcome.
I can also provide more information if needed :slight_smile:

Can you share the specs of the machine ?

Can you try the latest stable build ?


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This is a known bug in the older builds, it has been fixed in the latest 2023 series builds.

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Hi Michael, I’m using the latest stable version in the range of my commercial licence.

Regarding the specs here’s the information:
Processor: AMD Ryzen 7 4800H with Radeon Graphics 2.90 GHz

RAM: 8.00 GB (7.42 GB usable)

GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU

Hope this helps.

Unfortunately to get a fix for this you’ll need to update to the latest builds.