SOLVED: Vulkan error is displayed when opening a toe file Instanced with Geometry

I set Geometry to Instancing in TouchDesigner, but when I saved the
file and opened it again, an error occurred.

Once I go into safe mode and disable Geometry’s Cook, start it up and
then enable it and it will work. That is, it only occurs at startup.

I set TOUCH_ROBUST_BUFFER_ACCESS as an environment variable according
to the document, but the issue was not resolved.

OS: Windows 10-64bit
TouchDesigner: 2023.11880

Thanks and sorry you are having this issue. This seems to be a regression with the newer Nvidia drivers. If you roll back to the 522.10 drivers (or earlier), then the crash should go away.

Let me know if you have any other issues.

@malcolm thanks. it worked fine after nvidia driver roll-back to 522.25 (could not find 522.10 driver files)