Webrender TOP seems to have problems nowadays in 2022 build (worked better in 2021): on Mac it doesn’t render from a html file and on PC the path seems to have problems with scandinavian alphabets (ä,ö…)?
Webrender TOP seems to have problems nowadays in 2022 build (worked better in 2021): on Mac it doesn’t render from a html file and on PC the path seems to have problems with scandinavian alphabets (ä,ö…)?
Hey @tonirandell
I am unable to reproduce the issue on MacOS (Mini M1)…
Can you please share the complete specs of the machine as well as the OS version?
I can reproduce the issue on PC and I’ve logged it for a developer to look into it.
This is on a different mac, but the problem is same. I try to remember to test again with newer M1 macbookPro which I left at work, I remember I had the most recent build on that, have to check…
64-Bit Build 2022.24200
MacBook Pro 13-inch, 2016
macOS Monterey
I’m updating ending titles for something I originally made on 2021 build, that’s why it’s a bit funny shaped, but all I’m getting is transparent page (same thing on the M1 Mbp)
The alert on webrender TOP is about the resolution. I have a licensed version on PC, maybe it has something to do with that?
Can you share the exact message stated when you middle mouse click on this WebRender TOP with a warning?
There was actually also something about unknown url scheme. I could have sworn that I didn’t see it yesterday evening…
anyway this happens also on
64-Bit Build 2022.28040
MacBook Pro 14 inch, 2021, M1 Pro
macOS Monterey
on PC/Windows 11 it’s fine.
I’ll try to send you the html-page in private, maybe something with the header or css or I don’t know…
Hey @tonirandell
The resolution warning is self-explanatory.
The other warning is your page HTML not being quite valid. Test it here: The W3C Markup Validation Service
They are issues in the CSS and the charset declaration is missing.
I believe that another issue would be your Mac just not being able to create a texture of 16 000 pxls high.
Can you please update to your latest version 2022.29530 and confirm if you still see an issue?
Well. Now I feel silly.
Validating the page didn’t solve the problem (good tip though, I knew my css and other knowledge about html isn’t very high, but wow…
Anyway. I started trying to shorten the page and wondered why the transparent space doesn’t get any shorter (I had always reloaded the top and put it off and on again and all that…). Then I tried just to make a new webrender top (I really can’t tell you why I hadn’t tried that one before, maybe because on windows everything was fine) and now the page loads, but only to the max resolution height (as you maybe suspected because of the license?). The only way to get the page to load at all was to make a whole new webrender, copying the top didn’t help. This is same on both of my macs.
Oh and I didn’t unfortunately update touch yet on my macs. I’ll do it sometime soon when I have time.
I didn’t go through your CSS. But could it be that the content is here but actually too small / not visible in the TOP because of the resolution? It makes you think the page is not loaded, but it actually is loaded (just not showing the content you expect because of CSS rules). if that make sense?
Maybe can you share the .toe file for further debugging if needed? Otherwise, I would likely mark this thread as solved.
I don’t think being too small is a problem, since with the new webrender top the page (well the first 1280 pixels of it) is showing just fine and there are some images also which should be at least partly visible…
But I think on my behalf we can mark this as solved by all means! Thank you for your interest and help!