I have this issue in almost serious project - not all, just one or two nodes, but this makes not to work properly all the system that is duilt.
All is fine if you are in the editor and watching on this node, but if i start the scene in PERFORM mode a few nodes are just not cooking until you look at it in the network. Sometimes it’s CHOPs, sometimes it’s TOPs … but the problem is the some. May be Touch thinks that this node is not being used so there is no need to cook it.
It think some small button in every node will be great, it would turn ON or OFF force cooking of the node.
Or if there is some another solution for this problem, i will be glad to know about it)
Do you have a switch TOP/CHOP/SOP somewhere that isn’t cooking the non-selected inputs until they are selected?
That seems to be the most common cause in these cases.