Windows TD: 2023 11760
how to reproduce
0.make sure you have other windows software open and active(not minimized) on the same monitor. So go open a notepad, windows explorer, browser etc.
open a new TD project or use the one you already have open, lay a base, inside your base place 2 or more sops.
For each sop open the display options dialog(viewer active, right click “Display Options”) so that multiple sops have dialogs simultaneously open
mmb scroll in and out of this base whilst the multiple SOP Display options are inside
TD will minimize and your mouse and keyboard will be engaged with another software.
Its a little dangerous because you are engaged in the next process. So without realizing it you may be hotkeying or typing somewhere you don’t want to be. Oops I was just in TD but I clicked send on that email. I was just in TD but now I am renaming files in windows somehow.
When the program in the background is another TD session and you don’t realize you’ve made the jump, it can be a bit of a baffle or worse. If the two TD sessions are similar or related you can find yourself working in the wrong session unknowingly.
I am pretty sure this is the cause of, or related to, the OP snippets bug in the following thread, (which is not resolved as the title suggests)
RESOLVED: toe prevents OP Snippet from opening properly - Bugs - TouchDesigner forum (