Hello forum - I’m using the latest 99 build on a windows machine and I’m trying to use the SOP editor to save a selection of geometry. For some reason, trying to save a selection or even save the whole geo produces an ‘unknown error’ and it cannot save the file.
I tried reproducing this and can not. It saves my geo or selection. I am using a default Sphere SOP and selecting Model Geometry and then using the Save As… or Save Selection As…
Could you give more information about your process, and perhaps an example file so we can reproduce your case.
2018.23760 build was being used.
Hey Ben- I realized this error only occurs when accessing the sop editor via a group SOP when the menu option is ‘select geometry’… Otherwise, save selection as works.
Okay, thanks for that feedback. Can you use other OPs or do you need to do it in the Group SOP (ie. do you have a workaround?)