Sop to chop cycle

I made a semicircle sop and sent it to chop. I would like this pattern to cycle back and forth to drive the path sop field in another circles geometry, but the only cycles once per timeline. What math combination would i need to combine the chop output into a single channel to drive the path sop slider, and how do I get control over the cycling of the pattern, either dependent on or independently of the timeline?

Thank you

I guess you mean you want to drive the position slider of a Geo COMP?
If you have an animation curve you want to play back and forth, use a Lookup CHOP.
You can drive its index using any CHOP signal, in attached example I used a LFO CHOP.
But you can also use for instance a Constant CHOP, a Timer CHOP, or a Timeline CHOP to drive it. Then set the index range of the Lookup CHOP accordingly (by default it’s 0-1).
See other examples in Help->Operator Snippets
use_lookup_CHOP.tox (1014 Bytes)

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