Using Audio Movie Chop and Movie in… the sound plays once, but doesn’t loop. Is there a way to make it loop? Is there a workaround? Does this belong in the RFE section?
Seems like a bug. Can you post a sample movie file and the version/build you are using?
Weird. I reloaded my project and it worked. I swear I saw this happen… it was after running my project for a while. I will test more carefully if I see it again.
Managed to capture this in a tox. When you load the tox the sound will play immediately and then the movie will keep looping but the sound will not. I have checked for anything in this network that might break the connection between the movie in and audio movie chops… there is nothing.
I’m curious to know if this problem occurs on other peoples’ systems as well. (4.4 MB)
Yeah, I’m having the same problem too.
I even created a momentary button linked to reload param and made the test:
- when movie is playing for the first time, I click the button to reload the video, and either movie and sound restarts.
- after first movie loop, sound does not loop. Even if I click the button, only video starts again after reload.
Another issue: I’ve notice that sound does not start at the same time, it starts after 1 sec. Is there a better compression for movie and sound playback than h264?
I have the opposite problem. I want the audio to play when the movie clip plays but the audio keeps looping after the video stops. why is this happening?