Sound to shader

hello to all
Has anyone been able to design the exact sound input to the shader before?
I try every way, unfortunately I can’t design it The few models I have made do not have the correct reaction
I want to try one of the shaders on the shadertoy site with it

Hi @Sina_dallal_gadim,

please post your project for people to be able to help. With the question as is, nobody can know what the original shader is doing.


None of the examples I have made work properly That’s why I deleted them and I don’t have them We need to design a texture exactly like this In fact, let’s turn the sound into a texture in this way so that we can use it in the shaders
Because I cannot directly connect the sound to the shader

Hi @Sina_dallal_gadim,

as explained in the other discussion here:

shadertoy does not use the texture you are seeing but rather brings in audio waveform and spectrum values as texture inputs into the shader. First row is frequency data while the second row is sound wave amplitude. Check the Shadertoy example below for explanation of that.

For TouchDesigner you convert the audio waveform to a spectrum via the Audio Spectrum CHOP and then convert this to texture using the CHOP To TOP. This now can be used in a shader.
For illustration I converted above mentioned shader:

base_audioInput.tox (15.2 KB)

Hope this helps