Space bar play/stop

I find myself constantly pushing space bar and expecting the touch animation to play/stop. This might be a nice feature to keep consistant with other animation software :slight_smile:

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Yes, great point. Space bar was previously used for another feature, but is not used now unless you are in a SOP Modeler window.

FYI, the up arrow will currently do start/stop.

Yeah, I agree it would be nice to have the space bar for play stop. Not only more consistent but easier to hit.

yeah :slight_smile: the space bar is rather big isn’t it. perfect for my Irish potato farming hands

This will be working in any build after 336. Ohhhh, so much like quicktime now! :sunglasses:


I think that’s good also. The more we map to established mappings of keys, the faster a beginner will pick up the interface.

ummm… what’s going to happen in the modeler though?


When the focus is in the modeler, the space bar acts as it used to, it activates “View” mode.

However this is an old modeler convention brought over from Houdini, so don’t be surprised if we find an alternative for this in the near future.

hmmm, when interacting with (custom) viewport panels, I’d also like to use space key to activate viewport tumble mode (that is once the keyboard CHOP can monitor the space key). But now that space triggers play/stop, this key is occupied. Is there any way to turn that mapping temporarily off (when the mouse is over a panel)?

This should still work for you achim. When the focus is in a viewer (active in a node or opened to be floating window) then Touch does not recognize the keyboard events and spacebar does nothing, unless you tell it to. This lets you use space for whatever you want and it also allows it to work with 3D viewer like it used to.

Sorry, should have described it better. When I’m saying “custom viewport”, I mean a container with a render TOP as bg and some other networks to tumble/renderpick. In this case, space would still stop playback, right?

An active Container component with or without a Render TOP as a background is a panel, and therefore Space bar does not have any inherent effect on it. Seems to work in the cases I’ve tried.