SOLVED: Specify a Webcam with Webrender TOP

Hey is there any way to specify which webcam is used in the Webrender TOP when enable media stream is turned on? I’m able to get webcam input, but I can’t select a device.

This opens up some really interesting possibilities when combined with Spout / Syphon to go from TD → website → TD with low latency, but I can’t select the correct device.

Hey @tblankensmith

Do you have control on the page’ source that you are loading ?

If yes, then you could use JavaScript at loading time.

Otherwise you could attempt to inject JS after page load to setup the proper video input.

What you are after is the Media Capture and Streams APIs / MediaStream API and getUserMedia, or enumerateDevices MediaDevices - Web APIs | MDN

Check this sample page here. Select audio and video sources While it mention WebRTC, all the MediaStream API cover input video devices / streams.

It was tested with our WebRTC demo and sending a stream over (while inefficient in that case) from WebRTC to a web page loaded in the WebRender TOP worked.


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Thanks! Yes that did the trick. I was able to pipe the available video devices over the network