Split count on multiple parameters (divide by 4)


I am currently trying to get a count to distribute numbers to multiple nodes using expressions. I can’t figure out how to do it for numbers more than odd/even. For instance, if I wanted to do counting to four, etc…

Let me know if this makes sense!

Thank you.

I don’t totally understand the question but can probably help if you post an example network or screenshot showing exactly what you’re trying to do.


Thanks so much for the response.

So i tried to make a stripped down version of what I’m going for. Basically I am sequencing videos from a folder, and each time the counter goes up I want it to sequence another video (moviefilein1,moviefilein2,moviefilein3, or moviefilein4). Right now, when I sequence, they are all grabbing new videos from the folder. Basically I need a timer to say pull new video 1 — next pull new video 2 – next pull new video 3 – next pull new video 4… Etc.

Let me know if this helps, or makes better sense.


Sorry I’m still not sure I understand. Are you wanting it to play moviefilein1, then play moviefilein2, then play moviefilein3 etc? Or are you wanting them to load different videos when the counter changes? Or, if that’s not the goal, maybe describe exactly what you want to see happening.

If I can understand what you’re after and you attach this toe file, it might be easier for me to show you how to do what you want instead of tell you.

count-even-odd-videos.toe (4.4 KB)
Okay let me know if this helps.

I tried to make a simple sketch with odd-even video sequencing.
The goal is to expand this to have 4 or more videos instead of just two.

So counting in increments of 4, or more with expressions.

Let me know if this makes better sense.

Oh I see what you’re trying to do. It is a bit tricky and I don’t have time to figure out the exact expression, but I’m confident you can get there with the path that you’re already on.

I made a first pass at doing this with increments of 3… not quite right but you’ll see a few techiques in the expressions that will help you:
me.digits is the numeric suffix of the operator name
% is the modulo operator (division remainder)

Hopefully this helps some!
count-even-odd-videos.1.toe (4.4 KB)