Splitting a rectangular large vid into different projectors

Hi there!
whats the best way to split a long rectangular video into three sections to output to three+ projectors ?

Hi @Gusss,

the video has the same aspect ratio as the output resolution of the three projectors combined?
Just create a Container COMP of the same size of the output canvas (like 1920*3 x 1080), apply the video as a bg and use the Container COMP as the Window Operator of the Window COMP.

In the Window COMP set Justify and Offset To... to “Bounds of all Monitors” and adjust the Offset.

It’s always best to just output a single Window which is spanning all projectors.


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brilliant thanks Markus yes in some contexts I would make the aspect ratio the same as the projectors - in some cases Id want to do mapping, If I wanted to do some mapping that wasnt the same aspect ratio as the projectopr - I guess I could use three replicated cantanmappers with three seperate windows each assigned to a differet oprojector output right ? I mean if I had say three squares next to each other in cantamapper and “set to mask” and then replicated the cantanmapper three times deleting/muting all but the relevant square in each cantanmappeer? Not sure if this makes sense or if its the best way to do it

Hi @Gusss,

you can still use a single KantanMapper with the resolution set to the span of the 3 projectors. You can then either use Kantan’s own Window (Window Options Button in the top of the left hand menu) or use the output and plug it into a Container. The idea still remains the same: ideally use a single window to output onto all 3 projectors.


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Hi - how do I set the containers size ? Couldnt find it in common ?

Hi @Gusss,

a Container COMP’s size is specified via it’s Width and Height parameter on the Layout Parameter page.
