Spout out and directx causing hanging

I’ve been testing the new spout tops and am finding a range of symptoms.
first up the system I’m testing:
Touch 23400
Windows 7 64bit
AMD sapphire 7970 hd oc

The first symptom I’ve noticed is when connecting to a spout out top in a relatively large touch set touch will hang. Hanging occurs when connecting to the spout out top, on load it is fine.

I notice the same symptom when using a directx out top.

in smaller touch sets the application (ie just a ramp top), touch won’t hang as easily. Connecting both a directx and a spout out to a ramp will cause it to hang.

Using spout in I only receive black. Middle clicking on the top reveals it can see the the resolution of the top and it does display it is using a portion of GPU memory.

Spout is working well in other applications. I’ve also seen reports of it working well in touch on other nvidia based systems so I’m expecting it may be an ATI issue…?

Happy to keep testing to track down any unknown issues.


and a separate question - now there are several ways to share textures between touch instances, what is recommended as best practice? I’m currently using touch in and out tops but am hoping to keep everything gpu based using spout or directx if I can squash these issues.

Thanks for the report. I also noticed the same issues on an AMD card today. I do think it’s a AMD driver issue but I’ll investigate it more and report back (and report it to AMD).
Do you know if other OpenGL based applications are able to share textures using Spout on your machine?
The DirectX interop GL extension is a new addition to the AMD drivers, so it may just be buggy.
If you are using a single GPU then Spout or DirectX nodes will definitely be the best way to share textures. Performance-wise both of those will be identical, but the Spout ones will be a little more user-friendly to use.

Hey Malcom,
a quick update on testing. Currently testing on touch build 23540. I updated to the latest AMD beta drivers and Spout out is now working well. Directx out is also not causing hanging anymore.

Spout in top is showing the same symptom of only displaying black (with full alpha). Directxin does this too.

Spout is working in all other spout-enabled apps.

Hope that’s some help. Let me know if there’s anything else I can do.
Very happy to have spoutout working, thanks for implementing.


I worked around the Input issue by copying the texture using a different function, which seems to fix the issue on AMD. Next build will have the fix.

Im having some issues with Spout Out/In on a certain PC, (GTX 580) “A memory leak occurs in this node in Nvidia drivers. It should be fixed when driver 340.58 or later is released” Any workarounds?

driver 340.65 was just released

Very handy! Thanks Achim

hmmm, updated to latest driver which is 340.52 - problem persists

You need to use a version high than 340.58
340.65 is here
Maybe this one fixes it

I updated nividia - I am using vvvv to touch -
I have to turn on the SpOut Demo Sender , then the Spout Panel and in the pane send texture name then I can get it show in TOuch designer. For simple vvvv patches it works fine, but once they get more complex, the spout in starts doing some blinkling or glitching. that is only visible in touch not in the vvvv renderer.

:frowning:. was hoping for this to work in order to do a lot of things to the patches in touch…

maybe in the future…?