I’m using Spoutcam to be able to input video into mediapipe.
The only thing that Spoutcam sends out is noise. I’ve tried about every possible setting inside spoutcam but nothing seems to work.
Resolume and TD receive the same noise.
I’ve tried resizing the Spoutout coming from Touch but no luck either.
I can receive the spoutout coming from TD properly in Resolume.
Any ideas?
I find people online with similar problems but no solution so far.
No Ideas but I am having the same problem. Did you get anywhere with this?
It works on my desktop but not on my laptop. Both are using Windows 11. My desktop is a 4090 and laptop 3060. What operating system and graphics card are you using? I’m trying to understand what the differences could be between my two machines.
When I create a spout cam in TOP in Touchdesigner it shows video so I assume it’s something within Mediapipe. I don’t understand what is happening under the hood that well.
I looked in to media pipe and at first had an error that the url wasn’t loading but that fixed itself and the screen stayed noise.
But it seems the issue is with Media Pipe and Spout cam on my system. I need to freshen up the computer so it’s pretty tempting to do a clean install and see if that makes any difference.
So I got it working on my laptop by resetting windows and wiping my data. I needed to refresh the computer anyway and it seemed the fastest way to get things working. At first the noise was there but this time installing spout as per the instructions above worked and Spoutcam is running with Mediapipe.