Spreads like in VVVV ?


i was wondering if there is a way to use something similar to spreads in VVVV in Touchdesigner.

One example:

i have a geometry and am using a delete node to single out some faces from the geo. Now i would like to be able to not only input a single id but a ‘spread’ of ID’s (a sort of a dynamic array i guess).

How could i do this ?

Could you explain this concept a bit further? I was with you up singling out some faces from the geo. What are the IDs you are referring to?


Spreading in vvvv is not just arrays. It´s how nodes work when being fed arrays.

A *-node (multiply) with inputs 2 and 4 would put out 8.
A *-node (multiply) with inputs [2,1,3,3] and 4 would put out [8,4,12,12].

This works with quite a lot of nodes.

Putting 0.1 into the “x”-input of a transform node would shift the downstream geo 0.1 along x.
Putting [0.1, 0.5] into the “x”-input of a transform node would create 2 copies of the downstream geo (a copy per array element) and shift the first one 0.1 along x, the scond one 0.5 along x.

It´s actually something like nodes mapped onto arrays.
So handy, so mighty. :slight_smile:

Back to Touch: If you want to delete an arbitrary selection of faces, you could “spread” the delete node by deleting by number/pattern and providing a list of face-IDs as string, i guess. (haven´t figured out yet how to create that string, still new to Touch and those frightening DATs… some integers, separated by spaces… anyone?)
If there is some more general way, a Touch concept maybe, i´d be happy to know, too.

For now, Happy Deleting!

And oh, hi touched ones! Post #1. :slight_smile: