SSAO seem not operate well b10700,
also there is something like glsl debugging sq2uare on the bottom left side.
Could you explain, and what are you referring to re: debugging window? Do you have an example file?
just notice the bottom left ssao node…
its look lile little glsl square for debugging as it seem.
Hi Barak, I’ve tried a few files here with SSAO and do not see that square in the corner. Does it happen on another computer or just that one? Can you send us the file, or lock the render and send a basic reproduction of it?
Hi Ben,
I think i found the issue,
Once the render top process more than one camera it seem the ssao final output is accumulated to one texture…
Try same scene with multi vs one camera and place the ssao after the render.
You will hit the bug.
Added multi-camera’s to my scene, nothing changes in the Render or SSAO TOP.
This would be easier to solve if you post an example of your Render network with the issue.