Is it still not recommended not to use nested clones?
Here’s an example setup:
“/foo” clones “/masterDefinitions/foo_Definition”
“/foo/nestedComp” clones “/masterDefinitions/nestedComp_Definition”
“/masterDefinitions/foo_Definition/nestedComp” also clones “/masterDefinitions/nestedComp_Definition” nested.1.toe (2.33 KB)
Malcolm, it would be really helpful if you could tell me if this would be a “clone in a clone” or a “clone of a clone” (or just if I have to expect any problems with such a setup)
This case is not a clone of a clone. The reason being that
foo/nestedComp is cloning /masterDefinitions/nestedComp_Definition, not /masterDefinitions/foo_Definition/nestedComp.
If you were to have another COMP inside /masterDefinitions/nestedComp_Definition (which would be cloned in /masterDefinitions/foo_Definition/nestedComp), and you tried to clone that COMP directly, that would be a clone of a clone. Or if you tried to clone /masterDefinitions/foo_Definition/nestedComp directly, thats also a clone of a clone.
Basically the fact that foo/nestedComp has it’s clone string filled in creates a link to a non-clone (/masterDefinitions/nestedComp_Definition), instead of cloning /masterDefinitions/foo_Definition/nestedComp.