Strange behavior with JPG images sequences


I have a very strange behavior with images sequences when they are in jpg: every next image is displayed 1 sec later (at 60fps) instead of 1 frame later.
If I use exactly the same sequence but converted in TGA, everything is OK, the sequence plays correctly.

Version: TD088.10780.64 FTE
Repro: (tested on several sequences and seem to be it is systematic)
Create a Movie In TOP, get the first image of a jpg sequence in a directory and then remove the name of the image in the path so that the whole folder is played (eg: Z:/WkMediaBank/_FixFootages/FixTeapot_0000.jpg becomes Z:/WkMediaBank/_FixFootages/).
Then press play: the image is updated every secondes.

Do the same with the same sequence converted in tga: the sequence is played at the framerate of the project.

Thank you

Tested on another computer with the same release: same problem.
It then seem to be systematic, and, well, it strongly looks like a bug…

Check the Override Sample rate parameter on the Tune page of the Movie In TOP to select the sample rate your sequence should play at. You’ll want to set this to 30 or 60 or whatever you need.

Hi Malcom,

Indeed when I turn on the Override Sample Rate (in the Trim panel by the way) of the Movie In TOP the jpg animation runs at the expected speed.

Nevertheless there is a bug anyway there because this parameter has to be turned on for jpg sequences and can stay turned off for tga sequences for the same result.

This is very inconsistent. It is not normal nor expected that the behavior of Movie In differs according to the file format to which it refers.

Thank you for your understanding.