Hey guys!
I’m trying to create a “pixel/display”-look:
Using a TOP as input to instance a rectangle SOP, which already kind of works, but i’m having a small issue with “stray points” appearing that i can’t seem to fully eliminate.
The “stray points” appear while using R/G pixels to translate the X/Y position of a rectangle SOP.
The stray points somehow group up around the center, which at first made me believe that it’s a perspective issue, but they still appear after changing the camera to orthographic.
If i increase the “Passes” parameter under Common on the input, the stray points move closer to the center, but even with 10.000 passes, they’re still there and “stacked” on the center. (Never used “Passes” before, just wildy clicked everything trying to fix it)
I’m a little lost here and would appreciate any ideas i could try to solve, .toe and screenshot below:
instancing_stray-points.toe (10.4 KB)
Many thanks in advance!