I’m running into some issues where I’m trying to send Network data out while using multiple network cards in the machine. For example, when I try to use Video Stream Out, it seems to somewhat randomly pick a network connection to use. In order to make this stream out on the network I want, I’ve had to disable other network ports, start Touch Designer, and then re-enable the other connections. It works for that session, but then seems to change when I reboot the machine. Is there a way to pick the network connection I’d like to use for this when multiple connections are availalble?
What I’ve done in the past when working with multiple NICs is to set my network metric manually. This prevents windows from automatically assigning a priority to your NICs. For this to work correctly you need to change the metric for all NICs manually.
Uncheck automatic metric, and then set the metric id you want. Defaults to the lowest value metric, so you might set your preferred NIC to 2, and the others to 3, 4, etc.
This is a bit of a hack but has worked for me so far - fingers crossed.
I’ll give this one a shot on the next one. I think I can get around it with some network trickery, but in this case I had a separate physical network port for running the program, and a separate one that monitors it (including the Streaming Out).