Hello, this is a very vague request. I think it’s hard for many people to learn how to deal with SOPs. I think one of the main reasons for this is that it’s hard to find structure in them. Some of them deal with NURBS, some with Polygons, some with points, profiles etc…
It would be great to come up with a system that puts some order to this. Be it within the application or just some categories on the Wiki like 'NURBS processing’that gives us all the OPs that do something like that. (+ examples ideally, but the arrival of OP snippets give me hope in this regard anyway)
Hm, I don’t know, but I’m quite sure one can do something to help people a bit more and I think this is one key thing to helping them (including me).
In general, I have to say it once more: SOPs need some more love.