this better be a bug… not a feature
I’ve defined a macro but then the macro command doesn’t list it, even though it’s actually working.
touch → macro -p $cTOP test “echo hello”
touch → macro
AF1 dualmonitor -on
AF2 dualmonitor -off
F1 cmdread “$TT/Cmd/F1.cmd”
F10 opparm /project1/HILDA/OUTPUT/SwitchOut input ( ch("/project1/HILDA/OUTPUT/SwitchOut/input")==0
F11 cmdread “$TT/Cmd/F11.cmd”
F12 cmdread “$TT/Cmd/F12.cmd”
F2 cmdread “$TT/Cmd/F2.cmd”
F3 cmdread “$TT/Cmd/F3.cmd”
F4 cmdread “$TT/Cmd/F4.cmd”
F5 cmdread “$TT/Cmd/F5.cmd”
F6 cmdread “$TT/Cmd/F6.cmd”
F7 cmdread “$TT/Cmd/F7.cmd”
F8 cmdread “$TT/Cmd/F8.cmd”
F9 cmdread “$TT/Cmd/F9.cmd”
opcd cc
touch →
touch → cc
touch →
touch → echo $cTOP
touch →
touch → test