SUBMITTED: renderpick forcing connected CHOPs to cook

Smells like a bug:

/project1/math3 && /project1/select1
are directly connected to a renderpick CHOP and are always cooking

uses a non-wire connection and is not cooking all the time

Seems like whatever CHOP I wire-connect a renderpick CHOP to will always cook, independent of the cooking of the renderpick CHOP
pick.1.toe (4.33 KB)

some more on this, might be related. In the new file there are two new CHOPs and 3 new SOPs (below the info1 DAT)

Please pick the torus in /project1/container1

in constant1 I use chop(“renderpick1/trigger”) and cooking is fine
in primitive1 I also use that expression, but now the primitive SOP cooks all the time
If you delete the channel references in primitive1/sy and primitive1/sz, it cooks fine again
pick.2.toe (4.96 KB)