SUBMITTED: RFE: local/global button groups

This is a pretty big RFE for me, unless as in other cases you can provide with a simple (read below, it needs to be generic) solution.

I have a composited widget that I call a TABBED_PANEL. It’s a panel, and inside it, another panel (the UI or other content) and above that a tab-loooking button.

the idea is that if I have many TABBED_PANELs that look the same but have buttons at different x locations, by clicking one of those buttons I can make the panel below it visible and all the others invisible, therefore simulating tabs. I’m sure you’re doing something like that with your Commands/Expressions help tabs.

in my case the actual buttons and their related panels are all below one TABBED_PANEL or another, so not at the same level from each other, so the group functionality in the button doesn’t work.

Yes I can make it work, but I’m looking for a more user-friendly solution: my UI is script generated, which means I need mechanisms to load a TOX, run a script inside it, and have the UI appear in the right place. That means I need parametric ways of relating sets of widgets. Again, I can figure it out and I have been through mantaining a table per group, but the amount of list/mantainance/scripting that’s involved in creating a generic solution is what’s prompting me to write this, as I think it would be an awesome functionality.

so, the RFE would be to allow buttons to have “global” groups, as opposed to local only to that level.

Maybe those groups could be in local like macros and variables?
