I guess the problem here is also that scripts are being executed in different order. It shouldn’t even be possible to type in 1 as the number of rows.
To prevent it I’m using a datto CHOP in /Stoner/Stoner/UI/settings/elements/rows/field1 and a text DAT set to execute on value change of the datto CHOP. This script clamps the number of rows to a minimum of 3 but apparently doesn’t always get executed?
I am having the same problem with when things are executed as well.
I am using the focus panel value to trigger a script to run. The script runs on focus going from on-to-off. However, the value I enter in the field is sometimes written to the DAT before the script runs, and sometimes after. It is not consistent. You can have it working for a while, then re-open the file and it will not be working. I personally would like the Field’s value to be written to the DAT (called string) before focus turns off. That makes it easy to error check the user’s entry by running a script on focus on-to-off.