SUBMITTED: Synths that launch and mix Synths

Hello there,

sorry about the cross post on this one,
and maybe there is even a way to do this already,
if so please do tell… but I bet it’s very complicated
so what I’m proposing would be quite handy

I believe this is a biggie!
The example given below is just for attempted ease of pitching the idea.

Think of it like a SynthMixxa, but instead of loading movie clips,
it loads synths.
Similar to swapping out components “on the fly” in a single .exe file.

1) what I’m after : To build a synth, where I can launch other synths inside it.
Audio software (like Live) can use VST plugins and samples during live performance.
I want to be able to do something similar with Touch synths.
I want a master-synth , that can launch “sub-synths” inside its interface.
Say I build the ultimate interface for mixing/compositing synths,
This interface is known as the master-synth.
I have three areas of this master-synth’s interface set up to perform up to 3 very simple synths (aka sub-synths) at one time,
that were all designed to work within this mixing/composing interface of the Master-synth.
I may have hundreds of these sub-synths, but I can only mix three at a time in the master-synth.
When I select and launch a new sub-synth in one of these source interface areas,
then the old sub-synth is removed, and the new one shows up in the designated performance area with its controls.
The new sub-synth loads in the proper area of the network chain (where the last one was).
It is also automatically connected/piped into the network.

2) The new node/op (Synth-Switcher)
A new node/op (called a Synth-Switcher) could be developed that has the paths to where all the “sub-synths” are.
It will have three inputs:
input 1: “browse” sub-synth button
input 2: “prepare” button (unpack/cache sub-synth)
input 3: “launch” sub-synth button
There would be only one output of RGB video in this example
(but it could be anything, but lets not complicate things by getting into that now)
It could have a file browser (much like Mixxa) built into the node that when the “browse” button is hit,
a file browser shows up in the Master-synth to select a new sub-synth.

3) Optimization
The big problem is, with the old Touch Mixer, was the lag time in loading in a synth.
It would be ideal if we could get around this.
Maybe the sub-synths can be “unpacked” on startup of the Master-synth,
and then parts could be loaded into memory for quick launch.
I know this would not work so well if the “Synth-Switch” had pathways to hundreds of sub-synths,
but perhaps it could work with ten “sub-synths”.
The other potential solution is if there are pathways in the “Synth-Switch” to hundreds of sub-synths,
then the “prepare” button could unpack/cache for launch the new sub-synth you have just selected.

4) advantages and why
Aside from the obvious potential benefits of seamless live performance,
it’s a way to allow people to build their own content for the Master-Synth.
Being able to swap-out these sub-synths means you don’t have to build everything into your synth,
and you just select (mix and match) what you need during a performance.
It also has the benefit of the new sub-synth always being in the proper place in the network of the Master-Synth when swapped out.

Okay, if you don’t see why this could be advantageous
or this can be done already easily
than you may think I’m stoned.
If you need further clarification, examples, I’ll be more than happy to indulge you.


Jim Ellis