Super basic question: Connecting an audio device to operators inside containers

Hey! I have a few containers with audioreactive networks set up inside. I want to use the same microphone (Audio device in) to connect to the audioreacitve operators inside all the containers at the same time. How would I do that? Here’s a screenshot of my containers and the Mike:
And here’s an example of a network from inside of one of the containers (the arrow showing where the same Mike would go in):

Tanks in advance!

There are several soluttions.

  1. Use an inCHOP in your container to be able to pass data:

    This has the upside that you can also define a default datastream like the standart audio.

  2. Use a selectChop and shortcuts or custom-parameters.
    For this search for parentshortcut, globalshortcut and customParameters.

    I personaly do this the most as you can nicely seperate your project in different domains. (Audio-Domain, Generator-Domain etc.)
    This requires some more stringent planning and setup (less time doing fancy visuals), but if you want to get serious you have to learn this techniques :slight_smile:

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