I know that touch currently needs to have everything it does revolve around openGL.
I think most motherboards contain built-in nonGL intel-based video outs that are just kind of languishing - what if this non-accelerated output could be used for non-crucial editing and interface work - maybe as a non-accelerated window that is intended for operator viewing only ?
Seems like a possible way to add an output ‘for free’. I have no idea how realistic or useful this is, of course.
or for that matter- maybe the same scheme using an USB-based monitor output -to build a non-accelerated ‘dumb interface’? - i.e direct the pretty stuff to the openGL cards and the non-GL to the ‘slow’ output(like command line or 8 bit look - just to have access to TD with a basic interface with no fancy drawing stuff and no ‘hit’ to the GL out)?
I figured as much. I’m kind of coming from the perspective of not hiding my editor window until the last moment (if at all) . I realize this has an effect on output speed, but it’s just the way I work 90% of the time (including performances, which is not ideal, obviously), and I hardly ever have time to build an actual interface in most real-world situations.
So, I do have success with VNC control and that works great. But this requires the editor to be visible in order to work remotely(I think?) … maybe some sort of ‘remote editor interface’ app that didn’t require OpenGL to power it ? I’m not sure how that would work either … just spinning out random ideas…
(I think there are ways to access TD thru remote command-line already -I just haven’t learned about them, then probably somebody could build a web page interface with no openGL windows, close the local editor (that unused openGL power applied to output res/size. ?) , then the html interface would have pages of an ever-growing number of things that people would like to access remotely , hopefully with minimal effect on the hardware outputs (request from html interface are 2nd priority behind anything OpenGL.