SVG coordinates to place circles along the path

Hello, I am new to TD. I’d like to create a series of circles equidistant along a SVG path. I found palette::SVG to render the SVG file but couldn’t find a way to compute coordinates. Any suggestion is appreciated.


SVG parsing is a little strange in Touch.
For this task, I typically use the XML dat instead and try loading the SVG inside that DAT.

This way you can access the numerical values that make up each line and point in the SVG.

be warned though, SVG files have a really extensive set of tags. You may need to simplify the SVG file. Points may be easier to parse than polylines or curves.

Yes, I realized that. I think I’ll approach this problem differently. I’ll extract coordinates along the path in JS and create a table. Then I will use the table in TD.

It would be nice if TD would expose SVGGeometryElement/getTotalLength and SVGGeometryElement/getPointAtLength in the future