SVG TOP Bug 088

I think I ran into a bug in the SVG input TOP (fantastic feature, btw)

When you have an SVG file with features outside of the “canvas”, it will not load in at the proper resolution.
The SVG TOP resolution will match the resolution defined in the SVG file, but the features and everything come in scaled to fit inside the resolution, instead of allowing the lines/whatever to stay outside the canvas (where they are drawn) and get cropped away.

I have attached an SVG file and matching PNG (what it should look like) for you to look at.
This is a grid I am using to align 4x side-by-side projectors with edge blending. It has circles that extend outside the 5796x1050 canvas.

If this is functioning as designed, it would be nice to have a checkbox or something to force reading the SVG file at the intended resolution.

[And I’ve found another bug!..the forum doesn’t accept SVG files! I’m emailing it to Malcolm. and including it here as a “txt” file, you can rename it to SVG or copy-paste the xml to an editor]
