“The cross-section primitives are placed at each point of the backbone perpendicular to it.”
“In most cases, it is best to build the cross section primitives in the XY plane; Sweep will automatically orient them properly along the backbone”
sweepfix.tox (13.4 KB)
This description does not match my experience. Please see attached. I have spent enough time trying to figure this out that I have concluded it is likely a bug, or that the operator requires the inputs to be formatted somehow that went over my head.
In this example I have multiple 2d outline primitives, all on the XY plane, acting as backbones. Using the same line section as cross section in each example. Each primitive sweeps at a different angle, only sporadically perpendicular to XY as the docs claim it should be.
I have a hacky method of getting past it, by measuring the angle with an object chop, and using a second sweep set to roll at that angle. But it is an imperfect correction, and does not explain why it happens to begin with.
Please confirm that this is a bug, if it is not, please guide me on how to reliably get a parallel sweep with any incoming 2d xy outline as a backbone.
Thank you!