I was wondering what is the best way to achieve a Switch Chop in-reverse behaviour, I mean having an input that could be discretely routed to different outputs.
Or is there already a CHOP that can do it that I overlooked?
that’s an interesting question. I think I have missed that too when I started with TD(coming from Max/MSP and missing the [gate] objet.)
here’s what I think: There is nothing like that and I believe we don’t really need it. I know that might sound frustrating, but what are you trying to achieve?
I think the idea is actually against the logic of TD(which manages cooks automatically and cooks only when output is needed). Actually I think there is no OP with multiple outlets. See, CHOPS, we have multiple channels and samples, we can select these to get individual values, but that’s it. hm, still a very good question.
So sorry for my late reply. I had a trip and haven’t being looking the net until a couple of days ago
Indeed, coming from the MaxMSP perspective it seemed to me like a kind of logical thing to have since sometimes one may one to have for instance a certain video thread that needs to be routed to different places at different times. I was using some OSC communication and needed to switch between scenes easily, that’s why I was wondering about it.
All this can be achieved of course with a bit of Python scripting, but I still think it would be a handy thing to have around.
In your example, the video that needs to be routed to different places at different times.
Whats connected to those spots when the video is not connected to them?
In TouchDesigner workflow, you would connect them to all the potential locations, and only pull from the destination spots you need.
The unused operators would not update in the meantime.
That’s a good thing to know! I am more used to coding than visual network environments and I was assuming that a connection necessarely means some kind of processing. In my example. nothing was connected to those spots when the video wasn’t going through them, so I deviced a little thing that bypasses the unused operators. You mean that doing this is actually not necessary?
So, if I have something like:
Video—> ThreadA ------> Out
—> ThreadB
And I change the Out from ThreadA to ThreadB, the unused Thread does not update?