Switching between geometries

I’m trying to create a setup where a client can see the output of some pixels mapped onto geometry in different ways.
Since there are no easy ways of messing around with UV layouts in Touch, I’m bringing in different geo setups and shading them appropriately etc…

What I would like to do is be able to switch between the geo Comps in my Render TOP so I can have a button or slider that switches between them.

What I tried so far was putting a Switch SOP and refering that in the Render TOP. But it doesn’t seem to take that. I also notice that there is no dotted arrow created between the Render TOP and the Switch SOP when refer the Switch SOP’s name in the Render TOP geo parameter.

What is a good way to switch between geometries on the fly?



You might have a look at : PolyhedraDatabase.tox

[url]Polyhedra Database - #5 by keithlostracco - Shared .tox Components - TouchDesigner forum


Thanks, that looks exactly like what I need…
I’m a bit stumped about this expression
substitute(tolower(tab("current",1,1))," ","_")/substitute(tolower(tab("current",1,1))," ","_")_geo

What exactly is it doing?


breaking down the line

tab(“current”,1,1) gives you cell 1,1 in a table name current
tolower converts the contents of that cell to lowercase
substitute(xx," “,”_") is just replacing spaces with underscores
the backticks `` forces evaluation in a normal string field, so its creating a path that looks like

hope this helps.