Switching Between Playing Audio

Hi all,

I’m currently doing a projection mapping project where I have the projection change when a user is detected. I am able to change the projections with a switch, but I’m having trouble changing the audio with it. The Kantan mappers are toggled with the player 1 index channel given out by a Kinect, (either a 0 or 1 output from the kinect).

Things I’ve tried (kinect output is driving the switch chops):

audio file in (2) → switch

audio play (2) → switch → audio file out

trigger → audio play → switch

Any ideas? I feel like I must be close to the answer, but I’ve never worked with audio in TD before, so I could be super off too :slight_smile:


Got it,

ended up being:

audio file in (2) → cross (so the audio blends as it switches) → audio device out
cross was driven by a button :slight_smile: