Hi, how much data can i send through sync in/out while preserving reliable sync?
I have a track coming to audio input of controller server, ideally I would like to just send its waveform through sync out and get this waveform on every machine. Apparently this is too much data so I have warnings. I’ve tried to reduce the waveform to be 128 channels of shuffle chop but I still have warnings.
So what are the boundaries of sync in/out and what is the best way to share audio between machines?
Generally a single UDP packet will be ~1500 bytes before it needs to be fragmented over the network. Once fragmentation occurs there is a greater change the entire UDP message will be lost since each fragment/packet must arrive for the message to be complete.
A UDP message can be up to 65507 bytes though.
In terms of sync we’ve always used very small amounts of data to send across sync. I’m not sure how well it scales up to 65507 bytes, and it would be very dependent on the network quality you are on. A wireless network would likely drop packets pretty often.