Is there any way to sync nVidia Flex simulation in multiple(2ea) PCs?
I made cubes in flex solver and interact with some SOP.
That is not look same simulation between two PCs.
Thanks for your help.
Is there any way to sync nVidia Flex simulation in multiple(2ea) PCs?
I made cubes in flex solver and interact with some SOP.
That is not look same simulation between two PCs.
Thanks for your help.
I think the only way to make that work currently would be to run the simulation on one machine, then stream the particle positions to the other machine(s) that you have running. One way to think about this that there’s one machine / TD Instance that’s essentially just doing the particle position computations which are then sent to all other machines that are doing any rendering.
Thanks for your reply raganmd.
I tried stream particle position(NVIDIA Flex TOP) to other PCs via NDI texture.
But NVIDIA Flex TOP’s format is 32-bit rgba, but NDI TOP support only 16 bit format.
Can you suggest me the best suitable way to streaming particle position data ?
Thanks for your help.
The TouchOut TOP can send uncompressed video. You can also consider using the pack TOPs - these are designed specifically for packing high bit-depth data into 8-bit pixels for this kind of situation.
Always Thank for your help.
Have a good day!