Say i have 2 computers happily running touch, each out putting to 2 monitors.
Suddenly I feel the urge to have a gigantic HD video span across all 4 monitors
how do i do this and ensure that both computers are playing the same thing at the same time?
I’m no expert, but I would think that one way of doing this might be to chop the footage up into 2 files, load them separately on each computer with MovieIn TOPs, and in the parameters set “Play Mode” to “specific index.” I’d then connect the two instances of Touch with the Touch In / Touch Out CHOPs. On the “master” computer I’d export the current frame by creating a Constant CHOP and putting the $F variable in the chan1 parameter. I’d connect that to the Touch Out CHOP. On the other computer, I’d export the channel received by the Touch IN CHOP into the “Index” parameter of the MovieIN TOP. You should then be able to control the playback on both computers from the timeline of the “master” computer. I haven’t tested this, but I think it would work.