synchronizing "count" chops

Hi everyone.

OK I’ve spent hours on this and I can’t quite figure out what I am doing wrong.

I have a container that includes four containers. Each of those containers has an output.
I also have a “beat chop” set up outputting BPM which I am using math to convert to a frequency on an LFO which triggers a count function.

In the parent container I have the count function changing every 256 beats.
In the four individual containers I have the count function changing the output every 1024 beats.

The idea is that the parent counter cycles through the outputs of the four inside containers and that the output of the inside container changes when it’s turn comes back around, which is once for every time the parent container changes.

I figure this is very simple, but for some reason the inside containers will only work when I am looking inside the container. Otherwise they are completely off beat. If I use multiple panes and each is open on each of the four “inner” containers everything works in sync, but if I’m zoomed all the way out of the project nothing is in sync.

I’m hoping it is a simple checkbox I’m missing!

Please help!

Thanks in advance.

I spent another couple of hours on this and I’m still stumped.

Maybe instead of asking what I’m doing wrong I’ll have better luck asking for a recommendation.

I need to control the output of four containers to cycle in sync. So:

Container 1 → Container 2 → Container 3 → Container 4

Each container has various outputs as well. So I want to trigger the output of each container to change when it is that container’s turn to have an output.

Any ideas? THANK YOU!

I use various kinds of DATs to disperse the structure of things I’m running. Not sure how your toe is setup, but if you can make some kind of checkpoint along the way, maybe when a parameter/chop/dat/panel at the end of one containers changes, you can have a parameter/chop/dat/panel Execute DAT get triggered, which could then start things up in the next container. Then you could have the same on the last container, start the first one back up.

Sorry for the vagueness, moral of the story check out the * Execute family of DATs.

Hope that helps!

Thank you very much.

I get the feeling I’m really missing out by not diving into DATs so I think that will be the next step in my Touch Designer exploration…



Ya they’re definitely bread and butter for me. Ability to run Python from DATs in 088 beta has been awesome as well.