SyncToFile Eating Content

This is not yet something I can clearly state where the issue arrives, but I am going to open this post to either see if other users had a similiar experience and to post further findings.

I had the Situation occur several times now that files that are coupled to textDAT getting coubled up in some situation or another. Most of them where whle using my jsonConfig-Component in versin 2.9. Sine then I implemented to potential safeguards.

  1. Not modyfing the content via the textDAT but via python fileHandler.
  2. Implementing a Read-Only mode, not modifying the file from TD, still using syncToFile though.
  3. Removinf the textDAT and using a fileInDAT instead, getting rid of the syncToFile together.

Following Situations occured:

  • The content was completly lost and got populated with the default content again from the config. (This was reported in two instances, one using an intel 13x Processor, another on a Threadripper )
  • The file got overwritten completly by some arbitrary binaryData not readable by the comp, resulting in an exception. (13x Processor). In this situation we where also saving TOPs as part of the application.

Until then I was under the assumption that it was my jsonConfig-COMP, as I was modifying the conten on init, parsing the data etc.
Today, it happenend again, but with a simple tableDAT.
After a simple STRG+S the user closed TD and restarted. The Compter was still on.
It is not clear if the file was overwritten on close or on startup, but the result was an empty table.

Al of this happenend in version 2023.11880 on Windows 10.
Following holds true for all, except dans report:

  • Devices get killed in the evening by stopping power and restart on their own when power is applied.
  • Devices run a intel core iX 13XXXX
  • A reduces version of Windows 10 PRO, with all updates applied.
  • Using SSD-Drives for storage.
  • 2023.11880 in Commercial-Mode.
  • [Has to be researched] The files got modified at one point or another via python.

Sorry for not having a clear case here at the moment, this happenend 3-4 times over the last year so I no longer think it is a fluke, but still hard to replicate. Will sit down and see if I can get to the bottom of this as it is quite worrying that this can happen.

Hi @alphamoonbase,

we’ll try to reproduce.
